Sewing 101 (10 years old girl's easy sewing)
Here is the summer dress that our 10 years old daughter made with pieces of cloth from Michael's. It took a day and a half to complete.

We bought a set of cloth at Michael's.
Cut 5 pieces of cloth into 10 pieces by the same size (5 inches width). You can adjust the length according to the child's height.

After sewing all the pieces of cloth together for making one big cloth, put it in the border cloth (pale green).
It is even easier if you use a single cloth for the main part. She used multiple cloth because she wanted to add "patch work" taste for this dress.

Wrap the main part of cloth with the border cloth and stitch the edge.

Pull out the main cloth from the border cloth (tube).
The cloth comes out like below.
Then sew the edge and stitch two lines at the top so that you can put two elastic strings into the top line.

She used a bodkin that you can buy at Daiso (Japanese $1 shop).
You can add some small details such as strips and ribbons for decoration like above.
It cost $7.99 (patterned cloth set) +$2.99 (plain cloth for the border).