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Trip to Japan Zenkoji temple in Nagano 長野旅行

We visit our family in Kazuizawa, Nagano every year. Although Zenkoji temple near Nagano station is close to Karuizawa, this is my first time to visite there.

If you teach the Japanese language with the textbook called ”げんき” please use the information here for your lesson plan of Lesson 15 長野旅行.

This is the zenkoji temple. It takes for 5-10 minutes by bus from the Nagano station. 善光寺までは、長野駅からバスですぐ。歩いてもいけますが、境内が広くて歩き疲れるので、バスで行くほうがおすすめです。

Hokuriku shinkansen stops Nagano station. 長野駅は、新幹線が止まるので便利。

You will get off the bus here. You will see the old hotel and a famous soba restaurant. 参道の入り口でバスを降ります。

You will see many shops after you see the main gate. 門をくぐるとたくさんのお店が並んでいる参道に入ります。

You will Zizou (地蔵)and will see many small message boards (絵馬).


Nagano is famous for soba noodle (蕎麦). 長野といえば信州そば。お寺の前に昔からあるおそばやさん

There is a classical looking shop inside of the soba restaurant. 店内には昔懐かしの雰囲気の商品ケースに長野のおみやげが並んでいました。

Here is the famous chill powder shop in front of the temple.





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