Japanese cooking for New Years Eve 大晦日の和洋折衷ディナー
We have cerebrated New Years Eve with Japanese/American ways. That is sparkling wine for the count down and soba noodle for Japanese tradition. 我が家の大晦日は、カウントダウンとシャンパン、でもその前に年越しそばという和洋折衷です。
New years eve (12/31) is one of the busiest day for Japanese to cook all day for new years dishes (called "osechi"). But dinner on new years eve is very important in Japanese culture. We have been in the kitchen all day to cook meals on the new years eve, then enjoyed dinner and sparkling wine to cerebrate a new year.

For example, we started making foods for a special Japanese new years dishes as early as 6:00am on the new years eve. This is kon-nyaku (or devil's tongue; healthy non-carb food) prepared to be boiled. おせちを作るために朝6時から仕込み。まずはお煮しめの準備から。

Next、Shiitake mushrooms were prepared. 次は椎茸の炊き上げ。

We made birds and dogs (2018 is the year of dog) with fishcakes. 次はかまぼこの飾り切り We referred this site.

You do not need a special skill but a sharp knife. キレのいい包丁があれば意外と簡単にできます。
We referred this site .

Next, we cooked shrimps. 次は海老を調理。めんつゆでさっと茹でました。
It is important to save broth and recycle to cook many ingredients. You should not put all of them into one pot.

We cut cucumbers in a special way, too. キュウリも飾り切りにしました。
I cleaned the broth with paper towel after boiled shrimps. It looks clear but remain the taste of shrimps. 海老を煮たつゆを越して、お雑煮の汁に足しました。 伊勢海老のお汁のような味わいになります。

We made roast pork (actually we boiled pork) with a handmade Rhubarb jam. 大晦日のおつまみにローストポーク(というかゆで豚)作り、料理研究家の友人の手作り「ルバーブジャム」を添えました。料理しながら、娘と夫はパクパクつまんでいました。
My 10 year-old daughter was in charge of making a fruit platter for Japanese new year version. Thin sliced apples are microwaved with honey for 5 minutes. each peace was used for a petal of flowers.

Put other fruits such as grapes, strawberries, blueberries and honey due with mint. 他のフルーツ(メロン、ぶどう、いちご)を入れて、家庭菜園のミントを飾ります。

We made appetizers for new years of cerebration. they went well with sparkling wines. 紅白を見ながら飲み始める前に、おつまみを作りました。写真下のチコリに載っているホタテとサーモンは友人のレシピを真似してみました。(レシピはこちら)
We could enjoy watching a Japanese TV program broadcasted on the new years eve. なんとか紅白歌合戦を見れたのですが、けっこう大変でした(そのことについて書いたブログはこちら)
As for Japanese tradition, we eat soba noodle on the new years eve praying for our long life.

We completed dishes for the new year, 2018 before 7:00 pm and enjoyed foods and the music show on TV. 何とか大晦日の夜7時前におせち料理もでき、のんびりテレビを見ながら、年越しそばを食べることができました。
Please visit "New Years Dishes" !!