オトナの女子旅 ロサンゼルス 2017

Karuizawa Cafe and Restaurant
Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan is famous for summer resort. There are many good restaurants and Cafes. You can find something new whenever...

Japan Tour with Japan Rail (JR) Pass 2017
Our family travels all over Japan with Japan Rail Pass every summer. Here are some photos of 2017 Japan tour. I recommend you make a...

約20年前(1998年)に買った初代ルイヴィトンヴェルニのバッグ 色が変わってこんなになっちゃってました。 ロデオドライブのショップでは、色落ちの修理はしてくれないと言われ もう捨てようかな〜 と思っていたのですが......

Easy made sandwich with a heart shape cookie cutter
Cut bread, ham, egg, and cheese with a heart shaped cookie cutter. Put a "strawberry man" in the center. You can see how to make the face...

Cute Hello Kitty School Lunch
Here are our lunch that impressed young kids. Hello Kitty series. Ingredients: Egg for Omelet (ketchup rice inside), White cheese, fish...

Girls festival (Hina-matsuri)
We cerebrate Girls Festival (Hina-matsuri) on March 3rd for praying good health of girls. Japanese families that have girl(s) have the...

Bottle Buddy Project
3rd grade Art/Reading Project. Make a character of the story book with 2L pet bottle. She made Ramona from Ramona's World. She made the...

Cute School Lunch (Holiday Version)
Ingredients: Brown Rice, Mashed potato (base of Christmas Wreath), Broccoli, Red Bell pepper, Cheese, Sausage Put the face with dried...