Thanksgiving Cooking Day 2
Black Friday Party Menu. No turkey, mashed potato and cranberry. 感謝祭翌日のパーティメニューです。日本人ファミリーと一緒に食べて呑んで踊りました。 My stomach is tired of Chicken...

There are many international students on UCLA campus. Asian foods seem very popular among international and domestic students. I was...

Hokkaido Fair at Japanese grocery stores in LA 日系スーパーの北海道フェア
Two major Japanese grocery store chains have had Hokkaido Food Fair this week. ミツワとニジヤの北海道展 いろいろ買ってみました。 Seafood we had in Hokkaido this...

我が家にとっていろいろな意味でとても縁が深い, 牛角 West LA 店に行きました。いつ行っても混んでます。店員さんがみ〜んな元気! かわいいキッズメニューがありました。自分でお肉を焼いてミニハンバーガーを作るセット、デザートのS'moreもついています。...

![[KAWAII] Gyukaku Kids Menu](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/3f51e8_114f93f2a8c44c83b1bb53a813eb3c03~mv2_d_4032_3024_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_320,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/3f51e8_114f93f2a8c44c83b1bb53a813eb3c03~mv2_d_4032_3024_s_4_2.webp)
[KAWAII] Gyukaku Kids Menu
Our Favorite BBQ Restaurant, Gyukaku. They started serving cute kids menu. Your kid can make his/her own sliders. My daughter grilled her...

自宅で日本全国うまいもの祭り(Food from Japan)
We brought tons of Japanese foods from Japan. 日本全国を旅して、アメリカに持ち帰った食べ物の数々。おうちごはんで堪能してます。 This is our 2017 summer collection from all over...

Beautiful and Delicious Foods in Japan
One of the most exciting events in Japan is definitely to enjoy Japanese foods. You would enjoy many exotic and delicious foods there. As...

Karuizawa Cafe and Restaurant
Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan is famous for summer resort. There are many good restaurants and Cafes. You can find something new whenever...

Girls festival (Hina-matsuri)
We cerebrate Girls Festival (Hina-matsuri) on March 3rd for praying good health of girls. Japanese families that have girl(s) have the...